AI in culture and arts - project workshop

Flyer about the final event on AI in Culture and arts

📰 Announcements

19.02.2024 - Final stretch! The final event will take place on the 21th of February 2024. Looking forward to seeing your projects!

19.02.2024 - Please update your final 10-page essay on the following link before the 21st of February, 23:59.

Table of contents

  1. What is AICA?
  2. What is the project workshop ?
  3. Tutorials
  4. Evaluation and ECTS
  5. Credits and attributions
  6. License

What is AICA?

The Digitization College “Artificial Intelligence in Culture and Arts” (AICA) aims to equip students at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich (HMTM) and Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM) with necessary skills to impact AI innovations in the creative and cultural industries.

Learn more about AICA

What is the project workshop ?

The AICA Project Workshop will be hosted at the Wavelab, in the Winter Semester 2023/2024 starting November 2023. This course will teach you how to build and apply AI and machine learning for the cultural and artistic domains.

You will develop your own project at the interface of AI in art and culture, spanning from an intelligent or interactive tool, an artistic performance, or anything in between that applies to the creative and cultural industries.

You will form a team with students from HM and HMTM with complementary expertise: computer science, data science, design, music, theater, or cultural management.

You will be accompanied on site by technology and culture experts, and coached with Agile software development practices.


This website provides a large range of tutorials and ressources, organized by topic and difficulty. Feel free to use and adapt any of the ressources to implement your project !

Tutorial overview

Evaluation and ECTS

You will earn 6 ECTS for the validation of the course.

The evaluation will be based on two deliverables:

  • A 10-page group term paper describing the development of the project;
  • A group presentation of the project;

We highly encourage students to extend and capitalize on their projects to derive a bachelor or master thesis.

Credits and attributions

The tutorial are based on several open-source tools and libraries developed by talented researchers and developers. Without them, this course would not be possible. Discover all of them in section Credits and attributions.


The new teaching material (tutorials and code) created for the course is available under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Each tool and library demonstrated in the tutorials is subject to its own license.

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