AI in culture and arts - project workshop

📰 Announcements

12.12.2024 - Next assignemnt for block 3 in january : Prepare a new presentation of your project. It should be prepared as a rehearsal of your final presentation. Please explain your project’s outcomes clearly, its dissemination plan (how are you going to communicate it outside of the class), and the relevance of your project for the cultural and artistic domains.

12.12.2024 - Refresh your mind about the module description and the project framework we presented on the second day.

07.11.2024 - Project planning spreasheet!

Table of contents

  1. What is AICA?
  2. What is the project workshop ?
  3. What is a good project?
  4. Provisional schedule
  5. Evaluation and ECTS
  6. Where can I work with my team outside of the course days?
  7. Tools and tutorials
  8. License

What is AICA?

The Digitization College “Artificial Intelligence in Culture and Arts” (AICA) aims to equip students at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich (HMTM) and Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM) with necessary skills to impact AI innovations in the creative and cultural industries.

Learn more about AICA

What is the project workshop ?

The AICA Project Workshop will be hosted at the Wavelab, in the Winter Semester 2024/2025 starting early November 2024. This course will teach you how to build and apply AI and machine learning for the cultural and artistic domains.

You will develop your own project at the interface of AI in art and culture, spanning from an intelligent or interactive tool, an artistic performance, or anything in between that applies to the creative and cultural industries.

You will form a team with students from HM and HMTM with complementary expertise: computer science, data science, design, music, theater, or cultural management.

You will be accompanied on site by technology and culture experts, and coached with Agile software development practices.

Module presentation

What is a good project?

Framework and guidelines

Provisional schedule

Block 1:

  • 6th of November 2024 at MUC.DAI (Infanteriestraße 13, 80797 München, Room N.017)
  • 7th of November 2024 at MUC.DAI (Infanteriestraße 13, 80797 München, Room N.017)

Block 2:

  • 11th of December 2024 at the Wavelab (Barerstraße 19, 80333 München)
  • 12th of December 2024 at the Wavelab (Barerstraße 19, 80333 München)

Block 3:

  • 8th of January 2025 at the Wavelab (Barerstraße 19, 80333 München)
  • 9th of January 2025 at the Wavelab (Barerstraße 19, 80333 München)

Final event:

  • 30th of January 2025 at MUC.DAI (Infanteriestraße 13, 80797 München, Room N.017)

Evaluation and ECTS

You will earn 6 ECTS for the validation of the course.

The evaluation will be based on 100 points, distributed as follows:

  • 30 points for the careful completion of the assignements between blocks;
  • 20 points for the final presentation, on the 30th of January 2025: oral presence, slides quality, and clarity of the outcomes and dissemination;
  • 20 points for significance of the project outcomes and their potential impact on the cultural and artistic domains;
  • 20 points for the relevance and significiance of the project’s dissemination;
  • 10 points for dedication and attitude: attendance, proactivity, team spirit, and respect. Additional penalties may be applied in case of deliberate misconduct that would harm the team or the course.

The 100 points will then be converted to the German grading system according to the table below:

PointsGerman systemDescription
90 - 1001.0Very good (Sehr gut)
85 - 891.3Very good (Sehr gut)
80 - 841.7Good (Gut)
75 - 792.0Good (Gut)
70 - 742.3Satisfactory (Befriedigend)
65 - 692.7Satisfactory (Befriedigend)
60 - 643.0Satisfactory (Befriedigend)
55 - 593.3Sufficient (Ausreichend)
50 - 543.7Sufficient (Ausreichend)
Below 505.0Fail (Nicht ausreichend)

We encourage students to extend and capitalize on their projects to derive a bachelor or master thesis.

Where can I work with my team outside of the course days?

It is possible to benefit the infrastructure and tools of the Creatif Center from the the Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München. We will communicate you the access details during the course. Creatif Center

Tools and tutorials

Many open-source tools and libraries developed by talented researchers and developers will help you implement your project without re-inventing the wheel. Discover all of them in section Tools.

Please also check the relevant tutorials from our last tech crash course on human-AI interaction.


The new teaching material created for the course is available under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Each tool or library demonstrated in the tutorials is subject to its own license.

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