Marcel Karnapke und Björn Lengers

Marcel Karnapke and Björn Lengers have been working together under the name CyberRäuber as a digital performing arts collective since 2016. According to “Theater der Zeit”, their work is characterised by “a unique mixture of affinity for technology, pioneering spirit, pragmatism and love of theatre”. Driven by curiosity and a belief in the great future of theatre, they are experts in the digital exploration of theatre traditions. Their work is shown internationally in theatres, festivals and galleries.

Recent works include Things Fall Apart (a musical installation in mixed reality, most recently at the London Film Festival), Solingen 1993 (Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf), Palast der Erinnerung (Stiftung Humboldtforum) and Deus in machina - Ein Ritual (Staatstheater Nürnberg).

Neural Theater - artificial art in performing arts

On May 15, 2024 at 05:00 PM (UTC+1)

AI is changing everything, but does this include theatre? The German collective CyberRäuber use artificial neural networks in theatre since 2019. With Prometheus Unbound in Linz they started an ongoing series in artistic research that plays with the fundamentals of performing arts with the aid of state of the art technology: Stage, sound, lights, but most importantly the text of these performances are created, played, interpreted in the moment. In this talk, Marcel Karnapke and Björn Lengers talk about past, current and future projects, lessons learned and their ideas for theatre.

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Ask your questions to Marcel Karnapke und Björn Lengers!

In the future, do you see that neural theatre will push away usual theatre or will it coexist with all the forms of theatre as a new genre?

by Alisa Valentiner  

Looking forward into the future, what are your aspirations for the future of neural theater?

by Anna-Lena Scheunemann  

What insights have you gained from using artificial neural networks in theatre, and how do you see this technology shaping the future of performing arts?

by Johanna Fritzmeier  

The performance text is generated at the moment, so how should the actors adapt during the training process?

by Kuan Hua Chen  

The performance text is generated at the moment, so how should the actors adapt during the training process?

by Kuan Hua Chen  

Have you come across any surprises or discoveries (positive and negative) using AI that have really changed how your projects turn out?

by Niklas Evmenenko  

How successful are your projects/performances in terms of audience numbers, profits, or both? Have you seen an increase in interest and acceptance over time, or perhaps the opposite (with ai becoming less of a novelty and ethical issues arising). I also wonder what the demographic of your audiences is like, whether younger people are more likely to enjoy such experimental art.

by Anastasia Shulman  

Do you think, that the normal theater will be like today or will it change? The orchestra, ballet and the other people who work there

by Charlotte Bettermann  

Do you think VR theater is the renewal of theater in a world where this art is not in the center of the life of general public like as music is? Is VR theater could bring a new public while seduce the actual public of theater?

by Antonin Couton  

In your mission, theater need VR. But how can VR interact with audiences so that they don't compromise their immersion? like dialogue system, sight…

by Daeun Jeong  

How has your usage of generative technology and AI been received by the more traditional theatre scene? Is the scene open to such new technological approaches or has there been push back by some?

by Michael Buchholz  

How has the pandemic affected your projects, especially in exploring new VR and AR paths?

by Melanie Bauer  

To cooperate with the AI and VR in the show text or scene generate, How could we control the quality about the show?

by LiHsuan Chang  

What inspired Marcel Karnapke and Björn Lengers to establish CyberRäuber, and how has their collaborative journey evolved since its inception in 2016?

by Junghyun Lee  

What technical challenges have you faced in implementing AI in theatre projects?
What future technologies are you most excited about using in a project?

by Timo Warendorf  

Do you think that this AI Theater could completely replace improv and Viewer centered Theater? Since you can let the AI adapt / change the script within seconds.

by Daniel Wiesenfeld  

How does the integration of artificial neural networks redefine the boundaries of traditional theatre, as exemplified by the innovative work of the German collective CyberRäuber?

by Amir Al Nahawandi  

Can you share any anecdotes or behind-the-scenes stories that highlight the challenges and triumphs of integrating AI into live theatrical performances?

by Janis Reisenauer  

In your work, how do you ensure that the integration of artificial neural networks enhances rather than overshadows the human elements of storytelling and performance?

by Vlad Panait  

When you generate e.g. text for a theatre play. Do you use the first version or is it generated live? Is it okay if the text is not perfect?

by Lars Danz  

Can you discuss the ongoing artistic research that underpins your series like 'Prometheus Unbound'? How do you document and evaluate the success of these experiments?

by Marla Ridzewski  

How do you balance innovation with respect for established theater practices? In what ways do you draw inspiration from traditional theater, and how do you push the boundaries with new technologies?

by Annika Grauer  

Can you discuss the ongoing artistic research that underpins your series like 'Prometheus Unbound'? How do you document and evaluate the success of these experiments?

by Marla Ridzewski  

What reactions and feedback have CyberRäuber received from their audience and the theatre community about their AI-supported performances?

by Marco Kosa  

Virtual reality theaters sound intriguing indeed. However, considering the preparation involved, it seems like they would require a substantial budget. Do they differ significantly in terms of cost compared to the process of producing conventional movies?

by Sumin Lee  

How do you envision the role of traditional actors in a world where AI is increasingly integrated into the performing arts? Do you believe AI has the potential to alter or even replace the role of the actor, or do you see it more as a tool that expands the actor’s possibilities?

by Lea Zeilbeck  

Can you discuss the ongoing artistic research that underpins your series like 'Prometheus Unbound'? How do you document and evaluate the success of these experiments?

by Marla Ridzewski  

Are there already plans to incorporate ChatGPT-4 Omni into theater, and what future developments in AI do you think could further revolutionize theater?

by Lena Ertl  

Your work often incorporates elements of mixed reality and immersive experiences. How do you approach designing these experiences to ensure they enhance rather than distract from the narrative or emotional resonance of the performance?

by Metolli Xhenis (Jenny)  

How can AI impact the visual side of theater like costume, makeup, stage, etc. and what will the impact on the professionals that execute in those kinds of jobs be?

by Moritz Kummer  

Do you think using computers and AI in theater will become more common in the future?

by Kathrin Liesens  

Do you think using computers and AI in theater will become more common in the future?

by Kathrin Liesens  

How do you strike a balance between the controlled and structured aspects of integrating artificial neural networks into your theatrical productions and the spontaneity and unpredictability of live performance?

by Eduard Krasnov  

Do you think that this AI Theater could completely replace improv and Viewer centered Theater? Since you can let the AI adapt / change the script within seconds.

by Daniel Wiesenfeld  

What feedback have you received from traditional theatergoers regarding high-tech performances?

by Viktoria Grigoriev  

Could you share some insights into the challenges encountered and lessons learned from past projects utilizing AI in theatre?

by Sarah Obermaier  

What feedback have you received from traditional theatergoers regarding the high-tech performances?

by Viktoria Grigoriev  

Do you think the AI theatre could replace the original

by Sophie Schmitz  

Do you think the general art community is making a mistake in dismissing AI so broadly and not incorperating it into their work?

by Julius Greppmair  

How can AI impact the visual side of theater like costume, makeup, stage, etc. and what will the impact on the professionals that execute in those kinds of jobs be?

by Moritz Kummer  

Do you think the AI theatre could replace the original

by Sophie Schmitz  

Between 2019 and 2024, technology has advanced significantly. How challenging is it to stay updated on the current "state of the art" technology and adapt to the ever-evolving possibilities?

by Samuel Pucher  

In the project "Meet Juliet, meet Romeo" spectators use VR-goggles, but using them for a long time is very exhausting. Do you already have further improvements in mind on how to make the experience for your audience better since plays usually last for several hours?

by Mercedes Neuwirth  

Because the text is generated in the moment, do you think it would be an interesting idea, if viewer feedback is used to influence the play? (E.g. in the past people would throw rotten tomatoes or now they might leave the theatre if they are dissatisfied, but this way they would have a way to express emotions and the play would adapt)

by Eva Madl  

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