AI in culture and arts - lecture series

📰 Announcements

12.06.2024 - Today’s talk is canceled! We apologize for the inconvenience. The next talk will take place on Wednesday, June 19th with Sonja Thiel. 15.01.2023 - Save the date! The weekly lecture series on AI in Culture and Arts is starting soon. First talk will take place on Wednesday, April 10th, from 17:00 to 18:30!

Zoom link

Table of contents

  1. What is AICA?
  2. What is the lecture series ?
  3. Content
  4. Pre-requisites
  5. Evaluation and ECTS
    1. International students at Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM)
    2. Other students at Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM)
    3. Students from University of Music and Performing Arts Munich (HMTM)

What is AICA?

The Digitization College “Artificial Intelligence in Culture and Arts” (AICA) aims to equip students at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich (HMTM) and Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM) with necessary skills to impact AI innovations in the creative and cultural industries.

Learn more about AICA

What is the lecture series ?

This course provide a weekly lecture from prominent practitioners evolving in between artificial intelligence, culture and arts. The primary objective is to provide students from Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences and Hochschule für Musik und Theater München with concrete applications of AI in the creative and cultural industries as well as engaging the discussion with experimented professionals. Each lecture lasts about one hour and half, including a discussion with the audience. The lectures are open to everyone, and free of charge.

The AICA lecture series will be held on zoom, every Wednesday from 17:00 to 18:30 during the summer semester, starting the 10th of April 2024.


The lectures are organised in three blocs:

  1. AI in music: April-May
  2. AI in visual and performing arts: May-June
  3. AI in the cultural and creative industries: June-July

The final list of speakers will be announced soon but include artists, academics, curators, and companies.


You do not need prior knowledge to follow this class.

Evaluation and ECTS

If you are a student at the Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences or Hochschule für Musik und Theater München, you can validate this course as part of your curriculum.

Depending on your institution, you can validate credits on the following basis:

International students at Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM)

You can earn 2 ECTS for the validation of the course if you meet the following criteria:

  • Attendance and contribution to the pool of questions: You are required to attend a minimum of 10 lectures. For each lecture you attend, you must submit at least one interesting question to the pool, either before or during the talk. Your questions must be relevant to the speaker, which means you should research the speaker’s work beforehand. You can submit questions in the Program section, then clicking “Question” next to the talk your are interested in. No all questions will get the chance to be asked during the discussion.
  • A 1-page article about the speaker’s lecture of your choice: You can choose any lecture you attended and write a 1-page article of the talk using the following template. The article should present the takeaways of the talk and a critical perspective on the topic. The article should be written in English, and submitted as a PDF file on the moodle at the following link.

Other students at Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences (HM)

You can earn 2 ECTS for the validation of the course if you meet the following criteria:

  • Attendance and contribution to the pool of questions: You are required to attend a minimum of 8 lectures + 3 lectures of your choice from the “Design im Zeughaus” lecture serie. You will be required to submit a proof of attendance for the Design im Zeughaus on the moodle, at the following link. The template for this proof of attendance is available on moodle. For each AICA lecture you attend, you must submit at least one interesting question to the pool, either before or during the talk. Your questions must be relevant to the speaker, which means you should research the speaker’s work beforehand. You can submit questions in the Program section, then clicking “Question” next to the talk your are interested in. No all questions will get the chance to be asked during the discussion.
  • A 1-page article of the speaker’s lecture of your choice: You can choose any lecture you attended and write a 1-page article of the talk using the following template. The article should present the takeaways of the talk and a critical perspective on the topic. The article should be written in English, and submitted as a PDF file on the following link.

Students from University of Music and Performing Arts Munich (HMTM)

You will earn 1 ECTS for the validation of the course.

The evaluation criteria include:

  • Attendance: You are required to attend a minimum of 8 lectures.
  • Contribution to the pool of questions: For each lecture you attend, you must submit at least one question to the pool, either before or during the talk. Your questions must be highly relevant to the speaker, which means you should research the speaker’s work beforehand.You can submit questions in the Program section, then clicking “Question” next to the talk your are interested in. No all questions will get the chance to be asked during the discussion.

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