Sonja Thiel

Freelance curator and project manager

Sonja Thiel is a freelance curator and researcher. She is active in the field of innovation and transformation research, digital development and consulting and works museologically at the interface between open digital education, artificial intelligence and digital collections. From 2014- 2020, she developed a blended learning academy programme in museum studies at the University of Freiburg. From 2021-2023, she led AI development at the Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe as Digital Catalyst and expanded the German-speaking AI & Museum network. She publishes in the field of digital mediation, digital policy and cultural policy and works as a volunteer for the DigAMus Award.

Photo by ARTIS - Uli Deck

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Transforming the Archive - museological exploration and curatorial strategies through artificial intelligence

On June 19, 2024 at 05:00 PM (UTC+1)

The GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) sector has been actively engaged for several years in the development of added values and processes that bring specific requirements of cultural data in museums and archives (AI4LAM 2024; Kohle 2018; Murphy et al. 2022; Neudecker 2022; Markus and Neudecker 2021; Caramiaux 2020). The focus is increasingly on added value and specific areas of application for the indexing and development of digital archives and digitally mediated museums (Bell and Ommer 2018; Bareither 2023; Caramiaux 2024; Thiel and Bernhardt 2024; Volland 2019). Collection development and curation processes in particular are changing due to the possibilities offered by the use of new machine learning methods. In multidimensional spaces, this enables new possibilities of access to digital knowledge bases (Pilka 2022; Bönisch 2021; ARCU&OHM 2021). Initial projects and research on working with language models also point in a promising direction (Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe 2023; Philipps-Universität Marburg 2024). The presentation will analyse the advantages and disadvantages of previous strategies and provides an insight into the conditions for innovation developments at museums.

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Ask your questions to Sonja Thiel!

What specific applications and added value do you see for the indexing and development of digital archives?

by Viktoria Grigoriev  

How does AI contribute to making digital knowledge bases more accessible to the general public?

by Michael Buchholz  

With your extensive experience in innovation and transformation within the GLAM sector, how do you see AI-driven strategies reshaping the way museums and archives manage and present their collections, and what potential challenges do you anticipate in integrating these technologies while maintaining the authenticity and educational value of cultural heritage?

by Amir Al Nahawandi  

Is it possible, that some museums are just online with ki?

by Charlotte Bettermann  

In your experience, how do machine learning methods specifically enhance the curation and accessibility of digital archives within museums?

by Daniel Wiesenfeld  

What have been the biggest ethical challenges in the use of AI in your scientific research so far?

by Mercedes Neuwirth  

What's the main effect of applying indexing (in terms of users)? Also, the copyright issue is the biggest topic in digital archiving, then how you're solving it to create a collection. Plus, what AI programming you use to create a collection?

by Daeun Jeong  

How might the integration of artificial intelligence in museums ans archives impact the role of human curators in the future?

by Johanna Fritzmeier  

As a promoter of the German-speaking AI & Museum network, what do you see as the future trends in digital development and artificial intelligence applications in the museum sector? What challenges need to be overcome?

by Kuan-Hua Chen  

How do artificial intelligence and machine learning influence curatorial strategies and the digital development of archives and collections in the museum sector, and what innovative developments and challenges does Sonja Thiel see in this context?

by Alisa Valentiner  

How do artificial intelligence and machine learning influence curatorial strategies and the digital development of archives and collections in the museum sector, and what innovative developments and challenges does Sonja Thiel see in this context?

by Alisa Valentiner  

Given your extensive experience at the intersection of digital education, AI, and museum studies, how do you envision the role of artificial intelligence evolving in museums over the next decade, and what are the key challenges and opportunities that institutions should prepare for?

by Junghyun Lee  

What advice would you give to museums looking to begin their journey towards digital transformation and AI integration?

by Eva Madl  

Based on your work and research, what future trends do you foresee for AI applications in museums and archives over the next decade?

by Marla Ridzewski  

Based on your work and research, what future trends do you foresee for AI applications in museums and archives over the next decade?

by Marla Ridzewski  

How do you envision the future of museums evolving with the continued integration of AI and digital technologies?

by Timo Warendorf  

What are your thoughts on the future of AI in the GLAM sector, especially in terms of its potential impact on cultural policy?

by Sumin Lee  

How do machine learning methods enhance the curation and accessibility of digital archives in museums?

by Sophie Schmitz  

Welche Einblicke bietet die Präsentation in die Bedingungen für Innovationsentwicklungen in Museen und wie könnten diese zukünftige kuratorische Strategien beeinflussen?

by Marco Kosa  

Can you explain the advantages and disadvantages of previous AI strategies in the GLAM sector as outlined in the presentation?

by Marco Kosa  

Is it difficult to addapt your model from one museum to another one or the archives are in a way normalized?

by Antonin Couton  

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